Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Thank You Mom

Photo by Vie Studio

Dear diri kecil,

Hi, how's life? Is everything getting better to you? 

If you wanna cry, just cry. That's ok. 

I know, getting older, being adult is not easy as you imagined when you were kids. Life's so heavy. You wanna give up, but... Ya, you must survive.

Kenapa? Capek? Ngerasa gak ada satupun orang yang faham kondisi kamu? Or when you need someone to help you, but they underestimate your feelings, huh?

Is it so suck, right?

Jam tidur yang berantakan, tiap malam nangis tanpa sebab, perasaan udah overwhelmed gak ngerti lagi harus gimana. 

Pengen banget nyerah kan? Kayak pengen banget at this moment I can take a break for a while. Menghilang sejenak dari social media, menarik diri dari orang-orang, dan hanya ingin berkumpul dengan family. 

Dateng perasaan yang kamu sendiri gak faham ini perasaan apa, capek ya? Apalagi diri kecil yang ada dalam jiwa ini dia seolah mengetuk terus, minta ingin ditemani, diapresiasi, dan diakui perasaannya kok kadang pada saat mulai dicari malah hilang, kan si aku dewasa ini capek nyarinya. 

Where are you?

I know, I was busy lately. Instead of understanding you, I ignored your presence sometimes. Sorry.

So, what do you wanna talk to me? Mmm?

Are you sad when you went to your home and for the first time in yourlife your presence was welcoming by your mom? And you could hug her?

Did you still remember when you tired after attending the school program to watched the dolphin festival. You were thirsty, you were starving, you lost your money... and when you arrived at your home, you opened the door, and your mom just sat down overthere, didn't welcome to you?

You changed your clothes, ate, and prayed dzuhur.. after that.. you slept alone. Even in your mind you wanna talk too much about the things that happened to you.

Mom, I just wanna say thank you for treating me better now. Thank you for worrying about me. Thank you for calling me only to make sure that I'm ok. Even, literally I'm not ok. I'm fighting with my inner child within whom always comes suddenly.

Thank you for helping me to deal with my inner child, even you never know about it. 

Allah, please. Don't lemme alone through all of this pain, all of this wound. Please help me to heal myself and to deal with my past, with my inner child. I need Your Power. Please stay with me, never leave me.





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I'm a storyteller who could look back at my life and get a valuable story out of it. I'm trying to figure things out by writing. Welcome to my journey! Please hit me up