The School Internship (PPL) Has Done!
Hari yang ditunggu-tunggu pun tiba. Setelah melewati beberapa rintangan dan anehnya ini terasa seperti drama. Fix! I call this drama of the school internship (PPL).
First, pas mau daftar guru pamongku bilang buat nanti exam ambil jam 3-4 biar waktunya gak banyak kebuang. Soalnya kalau take the first lesson dikhawatirkan banyak waktu terbuang lantaran banyak a b c d nya. Ok, aku sepakat dan aku tulis di form pendaftarannya I will teach on the third lesson!
Next day, aku balik lagi ke sekolah dan juga ke kampus buat tanda tangan di beberapa lembar pengesahan. When I visited my lecturer she said that she can’t attend if I teach on the third lesson. Because she has agenda in another school. She can attend if I take on the first lesson so I agree with her.
I back to my school and I seeing my teacher. Her face like just little shocked when I say that I took the first lesson because my lecturer has another agenda.
On Wednesday, October 9 2019.
That was my teaching examination. I was nervous because my lecturer came late and my students said to me that at half past eight they were going to the Bank! OMG! Cobaan apalagi ini. Setelah tadi pagi pas naik ojeg lama si mang nya salah berhenti terus pas mau ke sekolah salah ambil jalan, that was made me came late five minutes :(!
With totally twelve students went to the bank, my project had to finish in this day. In the class there were seven students keep stay. But, I said thanks to Allah my teaching examination ran well.